Interview with the Artist

This site is for you, artists of all arts and styles: writers and authors, painters, photographers, sculptors, actors for the screen and for the stage, singers.

Readers are longing for hearing your voice: let them know about yourself, your inspiration, your work, your vision of life, your idea of art and artwork, and more, a lot more…

For as little as €20,00 (Twenty Euros) you can have your own room to talk about yourself, your life, your work, your art. All interviews are published on this blog and then spread on the different social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram).

How it works

Easy and simple: 

1. Follow the link for a Paypal transfer

2. Cut and paste the questions; 

3. Compose your interview;

4. Choose a photograph of yourself;

5. Choose a few photographs of your book/artwork (3 to 5 different photographs to allow for ideal formatting of the interview); 

6. Send your composed interview and the set of photographs via email (; 

7. Make yourself comfortable while you wait for your interview to go live

The questions:

Please note what follows is a list of standardized questions. If you’d like a more personalized interview, just let me know ( That would require €10 more, because of the time required to fulfill your needs.

Tell our readers about yourself

(where you were born and raised, your life, your schooling, if you have pets, your favorite colors, your places…anything and everything)

Your relationship with writing/painting/photography/sculpture/art in general: at what age did you start? Was there any special person, maybe a parent, a friend, a teacher, anyone who proved important in pushing you toward writing/painting/photography/sculpture/art in general?

What authors influenced you the most? 

(Feel free to name authors in your specific art and in other arts as well, anyone who you feel influenced you in any way, positive or negative)

Tell us about your latest work, what it tells, how you built it, the message in it. 

How does it fit into your complete work? 

(if you have more than one book/artwork)

What is next in your career as an artist?

Where do you get inspiration from?

The world in your words: life, love, family, society, culture, future, past, present…

(feel free to touch all of these points, some of them, none of them, and talk about how you want to transfer it all in your book/artwork).

What advice would you give new artists struggling to find their way?

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